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Abdulqayyum M. Khaliq, Ph.D.


More than 1625 citations in Google Scholar

h – index 24
i10 – index 51

  1. M. Milev and A. Tagliani,  Numerical valuation of discrete double barrier options  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 233(10), 2468 – 2480, 2010.
  2. Hong-Lin Liao and Zhi-Zhong Sun, Maximum norm bounds of ADI and compact ADI methods  for solving parabolic equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, An International Journal, Vol. 26,37-60, 2010.
  3. Weizhong Dai, A new accurate finite difference scheme for Neumann  boundary condition of heat conduction, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 49, 571–579, 2010.
  4. B. Shi and Z. Guo, Lattice Boltzmann model for nonlinear convection-diffusion equations, Physical Review E 79, 016701, 2009.
  5. Zhi-Zhong Sun, Compact difference schemes for heat equation with Neumann boundary   conditions, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, An International Journal, Vol. 25, 1320-1341, 2009.
  6. Elisabeth Larsson, Krister Åhlander and Andreas Hall, Multidimensional option   pricing using radial basis functions and the generalized Fourier transform, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 222(1), 175-192, 2008.
  7. Mike Giles, and Ronnie Sircar, Financial Mathematics at ICIAM, SIAM news, October, 2007.
  8. D.D. Ganji and S.H. Hashemi, Explicit solution for fourth-order equation with variable coefficients in higher-dimensional spaces using homotopy  perturbation method,  Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 26(3), 305-320, 2007.
  9. D. J. Duffy, Finite Difference Methods in Financial Engineering, John Wiley, 2006.
  10. Persson, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2006.
  11. P. Jain, Four step in phase predictor corrector method for periodic initial value problems, Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, 6(1-4), 31-37, 2006
  12. R.K. Thuasiram, C. Zhen, A. Chhabra, P. Thulasiram, A.B. Gumel, A second order L stable algorithm for evaluation European options, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 4(5/6), 2006.
  13. Zhizhong Sun, Xuelin Li, A Compact Alternate Direct Implicit Difference Method for the Reaction Diffusion Equation, Journal of Mathematica Numerica Sinica, Vol. 27(2), 209-224, 2005.
  14. Yan Xu, and Chi-Wang Shu, Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear Schröindger Equation, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 205(1), 72-97, 2005.
  15. Kampt, and M. Sadinasab, The Circulation of the Persian Gulf: a Numerical Study, Ocean Science Discussions, Vol 2, 129-164, 2005.
  16. G.M. Muslu, and H.A. Erbay, Higher-order Split-Step Fourier Schemes for the Generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 67, 581-595, 2005.
  17. M. Yousuf, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, Dec.2004.
  18. H. Cheng, P. Lin, Solving Degenerate Reaction-Diffusion Equations via Variable Step Peaceman-Rachford Splitting, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 25(4), 1273-1292, 2003.D. Kaya, A numerical solution of the sine-Gordon equation using the modified De-composition method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 143(2-3), 309 – 317, 2003.
  19. Dehghan, On  the Numerical solution of the diffusion equation with non- local boundary conditions,  Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2, 81-92, 2003.
  20. M.S.Ismail, and A.G. Bratsos, A predictor-Corrector Scheme for the Numerical Solution of the Boussinesq Equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol.13(1-2), 11-27, 2003.
  21. M. Siddique, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, Dec.2002 .
  22. Yu Zhuang and Xian-He Sun, Stabilized Explicit-Implicit Domain Decomposition  Methods for The Numerical Solution of Parabolic Equations, SIAM J. Sci. Computing. 24(1), 335-358, 2002.
  23. Li Bingkun, G. Fairweather, and B. Bialecki, Discrete –Time orthogonal spline collocation methods for vibration problems, 39(6), 2045-2065, 2002
  24. M. M. Chawala, M. A. Al-Zanaidi and D. J. Evans, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 73(4) 503-516, 2000 .
  25. K.E. Hrdina, J.W.Halloran, M. Kaviany , A. Oliveira, Defect formation during binder removal in ethylene vinyl acetate filled system, Journal of Material Sciences, 34(13) 3281-3290, 1999.
  26. K.E. Hrdina, J.W.Halloran, A. Oliveira, M. Kaviany, Journal of Material Science, 33(11)27952803,1998.
  27. D. Calvetti, E. Gallapoulos, and L. Reichel, Incomplete Partial Fraction for Parallel Evaluation of Rational Matrix Function, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 59(3),349-380,1995.
  28. M. A. Arigu, E. H. Twizell and A. B. Gumel, Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 119-128, 1995.
  29. T. E. Simons, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 53 (5), 473-483, 1995
  30. K. Burrage, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 1993.
  31. Q-Sheng, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 1993.
  32. Jan F. Frankena; Faculty of Applied Mathematics Research Report No. 966, University of Twente, The Netherlands, May 1991.
  33. G. Vanden Berghe, H. De Meyer, and J. Van Thourout, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 32, 233-242,1990
  34. R. K. Sharma, Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, 1989.
  35. J. P. Coleman; IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 1989.
  36. Ilio Galligani and Valeria Ruggerio, Parallel Computing 9, 359-365 (1988/89).
  37. P. J. Van Der Houwen and B.P. Sommeijer; SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 26(1), 214-229, 1989.
  38. D. A. Voss and S. M. Serbin; Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 1987.
  39. P. J. Van Der Houwen and B.  P. Sommeijer; SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 1987.
  40. V. Selmin, J. Donea, L. Quartapelle; Computer Methods in applied Mechanics and Engineering, 52, 817-845, 1985.
  41. A. Noor and S. Tirmizi, International J. of Engineering Science, 22,  467-473, 1984.
  42. Simon Ola. Fatunla; Numerical Methods for Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Academic Press, Inc., 1988.
  43. J. C. Buthcher; The Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Wiley, 1986.
  44. R. C. Aiken (Ed): Stiff Computation, Oxford University Press, 1985.
  45. G. D. Smith; Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations. Finite Difference Methods, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Third Edition 1985.
  46. E. H. Twizell; Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Ellis Harwood/ John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, December, 1984.
  47. Bingkun Li, University of Kentucky, KY, USA, March 1998.
  48. Aba Gumel, Brunel University, England, May 1997.
  49. S. A. Taj; Brunel University, England, Dec. 1995.
  50. K.Djidjeli; Brunel University, England, Dec1992.


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