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Dr. Ryan Seth Jones

Integrated Data Research Team

Our research team designs and conducts research on learning environments that support students to develop ideas and practices related to data, statistics, modeling, and inference. These ideas and practices are increasingly necessary in personal, professional, and community life. So, we aim to equip students with the resources and agency to make inferences with data in ways that are both personally and epistemically meaningful. For more information about or work, you can email

What We’re Up to:

COE Scholars Day 2024

Fonya Scott, Lori Klukowski, and Bryce Haven present research at 2024 MTSU College of Education Scholars Week.


Lori Klukowski presents research at the Southeastern STEM Education Research Conference.

Oxford Handbook Chapter

Dr. Ryan Seth Jones publishes a chapter in Oxford Handbook of Educational Psychology with Dr. Jennifer Lovett, Samantha Fletcher, and Amanda Lake Heath

Assessment Report

Dr. Ryan Seth Jones authors a section in Classroom-Based STEM Assessment: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives with Dr. Eric Banilower and Dr. Shuchi Grover.

Scholars Week 2023

Lori Klukowski participated in the MTSU College of Basic and Applied Sciences Scholars Week poster session. The title of her poster was “Describing How Teacher Questioning Elicits Student Thinking in a Integrated STEM Investigation.”

Fonya S. 3MT

Fonya Scott participated in the MTSU College of Basic and Applied Sciences 3-minute thesis competition. The 3-minute thesis challenges participants to explain their research so the significance of the work can be quickly and clearly understood.

NASEM Workshop

Dr. Ryan Seth Jones participates as panelist in a Workshop on K-12 Data Science Education sponsored by the National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.

Read more by clicking the link above!

SSERC Poster 

Fonya Scott, Kaytlin Campbell, and Oscar Meza-Abarca present research at the Southeastern STEM Education Research Conference.

Watch by clicking the link above!

SSERC 2023
Description of Dr. Ryan Seth Jones CAREER project

“This project is exploring how to productively coordinate instruction around data, statistics, modeling, and inference in middle grades mathematics and science classes. We will conduct design-based research to develop and study innovative tools that support students to generate knowledge about ecological systems by using models of variability to make inferences. In partnership with teachers from our partner school, we will develop two investigations in…”

Read more by clicking the link above!

Seth J. DSE Conference Planning

Dr. Ryan Seth Jones joined The Concord Consortium and Data Science For Everyone to help plan a new conference for K-12 Data Science Education.

NCES Math Summit

Dr. Ryan Seth Jones presents at the national Math Summit sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences and the National Center for Educational Statistics.
